I, regarded as a pioneer in environmentally friendly design and architecture since 2009, is well renowned for its exceptional work that is not just well-thought-out but also poetic and evocative. My projects cover a wide range of disciplines, including residential and commercial as well as cultural and environmental. The Chinese Vice-House President’s in Shanghai, the Bluepoint residential resort in Thailand, among numerous others, are just a few examples of my outstanding examples of world-class work.


Industrial experience: 10 years or more

  • Principal & Creative Director- Paul Raff Studio
  • Architect- Architectural firms in New York
  • Architect- Architectural firms in Barcelona
  • Architect- Architectural firms in Hong Kong



  • Architecture and Environmental Studies- The University of Waterloo


Awards & Certifications:

  • An award-winning design for Toronto’s waterfront redevelopment
  • Ontario Association of Architects’ Allied Arts Award
  • Allied Arts Medal by the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada


Crafted Projects:


Contact Information:



